Ray |
In this article i will show you how to build a component model for ASP.NET MVC3 with Builder and Factory design patterns. You could use this model to write your strongly type components to binding data, handling harchical objects and write jQuery UI contr... |
Ray |
This article describes how to use DotNetOpenAuth to integrate the OpenID to you ASP.NET Mvc Application. |
Ray |
DotNetAge 2.0.1 complete upgrade to Asp.NET Mvc3. All views and widgets are rewrite using Razor syntax. |
Ray |
Razor provides a rich view of development capacity, while promoting a more conciseview of Razor code, WidgetEngine this is succession Razor "DIY" The core idea of the original Widget together to improve the development of ways to make developmentmore Widg... |
Ray |
When i enhance the dotnetage runtime preformance with OutputCache i have found the OutputCacheAttribute seems to be not work for FileResult. At last i had to use “Last-Modified” and “ETag” http header to implatment the file cache feature for MVC. |
Ray |
DJME is the bridge of jQuery and Mvc. DJME designed for write less code for using jQuery in Mvc. DJME is a Mvc extensions library for jQuery and it is a lightweight framework to integrate the jQuery plug-in to Mvc extensions. |