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DotNetAge - Mvc & jQuery CMS
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Introduction to content publishing


According to our 10 years of experience in Internet application development we found content publishing is the most used of Internet, such as blog, wiki, forums, news, event, announcement, notes. These elements have common but also different from the behavior analysis content distribution may need to use: draft, publish, edit, delete, review, comments, feeds, There are manay application provides the content publishing service such as Wordpress,Blog.net,Yetanthoerforums,ScrewTurn,there are limitation in this applications that blog only be blog,wiki only be wiki you cound not make blog as wiki or make wiki as blog that is impossible,but in fact that is all we needs in our web site. When we build a website we maybe need a forums let pepoles disscusions , need wiki to write ore share documents , every users needs their blogs to write what they want ,finally you maybe need a cms or htmls pages to intergate all of this appliaction as portal entrance for visitor.If you realy do this you will face to a large of issuses :

  1. How to manage the user cross these appliactions , a user must register every time to access your systems should you ?
  2. When you install wordpress and screwturn on one domain how many work you need to do ? You may be need to install apache, IIS ,php , .net , MySql and SQLServer at last you may be need to use WCF for intergation between applications.
  3. Each application have their own theme design parttern event both use css and html,but have diffence names and classes.You need to design a same theme on each application.
  4. How about leaning and extends them ?

DotNetAge Publishing was designed for match all most used content publishing requiremnt.DotNetAge Publishing allows user can write wiki in their blog,publishing events/news/articles,push an announcement to user blog. When they work together in DotNetAge the blog is not only blog,wiki is not only wiki ,forums is not only forums,they are just contents and features of DotNetAge.

Wiki anywhere

What is wiki ?

This explanation for wiki is reference from wiki.org
Wiki is in Ward's original description:
The simplest online database that could possibly work.
Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly.
Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself.
Like many simple concepts, "open editing" has some profound and subtle effects on Wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by nontechnical users.

Wiki in DotNetAge

Many wiki application wiki content is fixed in a specific area of the page,one wiki one page.User must modify the template to change the layout of page that means the users must to lean how to change the template of the application that is inefficient content management.Wiki,html,xml is a kind of markup text,essentially they are all text content. In DotNetAge you can put the content anywhere anytime without limits. DotNetAge separated the wiki content from page but put in Widget.That will be bring more benifits for user,user can move the wiki anywhere on page,on page contains more than one wiki,no limits no excess leaning.In addition DotNetAge Publishing allow user use html format content and wiki format content,That is means the wiki and blog can share their advantage for each others this is cool!

DotNetAge have a TextEngine that allows developers to parse and formated markup text just like wiki, bbcode.The TextEngine provides the expendable APIs that it can be extended for any formatted text. DotNetAge comes load two feature Widgets for wiki — Wiki widget and Wiki Viwer widget they are using the TextEngine to write / view the Wiki text.

(In any page “SiteTool – > Design This page –>Add Content” open the widget explorer in shared tab you can find this widgets)

Wiki widget

  Wiki widget is a widget that provide a wiki editor allows use can write the wiki markup on the page.

  Read “DotNetAge Wiki markups” lean about DotNetAge supports which wiki markups.

Wiki viewer widget

Wiki viewer widget use to display the wiki text file content.Wiki viewer Widget read the wiki text file that generate from other wiki applications an show it’s html output in widget body, Use it to upgrade other wiki application data to DotNetAge.


A Powerful Alternative to Wordpress

Blogs for personal and business use are one of the most common reasons people look to content management systems. Blogging has become part of our culture and business world like few other communication vehicles.

Blogging applications and services like WordPress, MovableType, Blogger, TypePad, Expression Engine are all designed to make it easy for you to present and manage your blog posts and various content easily. Each of them have their own benefits such as simple installation and setup but also challenges such as complex templating to limited control of design or the way your blog looks.

DotNetAge as a content management framework, is perfectly suited to building a custom blog solution that is as simple or as complex as you desire. Its flexibility allows almost infinite customization and no-limits configuration. In addition, building a blog in DotNetAge will allow you to manage your site from one interface if you decide to add additional non-blog content.

Why Use DotNetAge Publishing for blogging?

If You are a Web Designer or Web/Marketing Agency and Are...

  • Tired of hacking and bending your current blog application into a semblance of your original HTML/CSS template design.
  • Looking for a solution for better production workflows. DotNetAge can fit into a traditional web design workflow of PSD/PNG → HTML/CSS+JS → CMS without having to constantly reference .net functions or break templates into include files (if you don't want to).
  • Looking to ensure that when the client calls asking for you to extend or add to your website and blog you don't have to look to a rebuild or migrating to another system.

Adding your blog to your marketing or business website means:

  • Less training required for staff and site managers–save money.
  • Single sign-on. You already have to remember too many passwords. One login to manage your whole website.
  • No bridging required to combine two application–no requirement to hire a coder just to add a blog.
  • Templates all in one system allows updates to common elements between your main site and your blog (when using Chunks for common elements).
  • You can add features or extend functionality to your website without changing your content management system.
  • If you do need to add a feature to DotNetAge that use Widgets.
Features of a DotNetAge Publishing Blog

Just some of the features available in building a blog on DotNetAge publishing are:

  • Multiple blogs: Provides single blog template and mutiple blogs template that allow you create blog(s) in seconds.
  • Multiple Widgets: Latest posts, tagged, categories, archives and more.
  • Wiki/Html Format control: Provides richtexteditor for editing html content and wikitexteditor for editing wiki content.
  • Basic Spam/Input Control: Keep out spam and unwanted input in your public comments with CAPTCHA, Bad-word lists, Moderation as well as advanced moderation.
  • Multiple categories.
  • User Registration: Allow visitors to sign up and create a profile and leave comments as well as access to registered user content.
  • Pinging/Notification: Get your site indexed by search engines by notifying blog services like Ping-o-matic or Techorati.
  • Feed/XML Format Control: Syndicate your blog using RSS, XML, ATOM to allow users to subscribe using whichever method they prefer.
  • Front End Edting and Content Creation: For quick edits to new post creation and publishing.
  • Post Scheduling: Write now, publish later. Create, edit and publish your posts when you want or when your readers are most likely to see it.
  • Search Friendly, Customizable and Strict SEO URLs: Don't get caught with duplicate content cause by bad urls, give posts urls with real words and not ids and parameters; post-links can look the way you want and the search engines like.
  • Standards Friendly: Since DotNetAge views don't get in the way of your design, you can build views using valid, standards-based HTML for the highest level of browser compatibility, better content to code ratios and to make it easier for search engines to crawl your site.
  • Easy Monetization: Insert Ad blocks like GoogleAdsense, banners and affiliate links without cumbersome management interfaces or multiple addons.
  • Multiple blog publishing interface supports: Supports MetaWeblog,Moveable type ,Blogger , WordPress Xml-RPC publishing methods.
  • Windows Live writer support: DotNetAge publishing fully supports all windows live writer features.


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