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Introduction to EventMonitoring architecture


DotNetAge event monitoring architecture prototype is from the Observer design pattern. It 's a application level event model. The event monitoring service also provides service location to support dependency injection. DotNetAge allows developers adding observers to extend the system behaviors.

Observer design pattern

The observer design pattern enables a subscriber to register with and receive notifications from a provider. It is suitable for any scenario that requires push-based notification. The pattern defines a provider (also known as a subject or an observable) and zero, one, or more observers. Observers register with the provider, and whenever a predefined condition, event, or state change occurs, the provider automatically notifies all observers by calling one of their methods. In this method call, the provider can also provide current state information to observers. In the .NET Framework, the observer design pattern is applied by implementing the generic System.IObservable and System.IObserver interfaces. The generic type parameter represents the type that provides notification information.

For more about Observer design pattern please refer to following list:


  • Add more behaviors to existing services/modules.
  • Set aside for services/modules extensions points.




An event is a message sent by an object to signal the occurrence of an action. Invoke event.Raise() method to notify the EventDispatcher to send the event object to observers. The events must be inherit from EventBase abstract class.

The following example shows how to raise a new order event in Action.

//Define a NewOrder event class
public class NewOrderEvent:EventBase
public NewOrderEvent(Order order)

public Order Order{get;private set;}

public class OrderSampleController:Controller
IOrderRepository _respository;
public OrderSampleController(IOrderRepository respository;

public ActionResult Purchase(Order order)
//Save new order

//Raise event
new NewOrderEvent(order).Raise(HttpContext);

return View();

Raise() method notify EventDispatcher to find which observers should handling the NewOrderEvent and execute them.


Observer is handling the event.EventObserver is the base class implement the System.IObsever interface. Inherit EventObserver class and implement the ProcessEvent method could be receive and handling the event.

The following example is how to create an observer to handle the NewOrderEvent
Step1:Create an observer

public class NewOrderObserver : EventTypebaseObserver
public void Process(NewOrderEvent e)
//Event handling: Set the order stat

Step2:Register the observer and add to DotNetAge


<unity xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/practices/2010/unity">
<alias alias="NewOrderObserver" type="Example.NewOrderObserver,Example" />
<register type="EventObserver" mapTo="NewOrderObserver" name="newOrderObserver" />

DotNetAge events

The following table list available events for the DotNetAge
Event Description
DNA.Mvc.PasswordChangedEvent Raised when user password is changed
DNA.Mvc.ReceivePasswordEvent Raised when format password token is send.
DNA.Mvc.UserRegistedEvent Raised when user register successful.
DNA.Mvc.Community.Events.DeletePostEvent Raised when a thread or a post was deleted.
DNA.Mvc.Community.Events.NewPostEvent Raised when a thread or post was added.
DNA.Mvc.Publishing.ArticleUpdateEvent Raised when a new article was updated.
DNA.Mvc.Publishing.NewCommentEvent Raised when a new comment was added.


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Предыдущий:DotNetAge plugable infrastructure - Dependency injection
Следующий:How to raise and consume events
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