2009/6/8 DJ v1.1.15 Release notes
What is new ?
- JQuery server side selector feature added.
- CompositScript supports feature added.
- Dialog can apply to more than one trigger by JQuery server side selector.
- More javascript types added (see "JavaScriptTypes") in JQueryOption class
- Convert the jQuery dateTime format to .net datetime format.
- CollapsablePanel control added.
- SimpleListView control added.
- SimpleButton control added.
- Droppable control added.
- Draggable control added.
- Sortable control added.
- Selectable control added.
- Resizable control added.
- IScriptBuilder interface added.
- JQueryScriptBuilder class added.
- MultiJQueryScriptBuilder class added.
- DNA.UI.JQuery.Design namespace added over 10 designer added.this feature enabling jQuery Css Framework supports for DesignTime and RunTime.[DJ_UIDesigners|View desinger screen shot]
- More than 100 samples add to Live Demo site.
- pngFix.js plugin added.
What Changes ?
- AutoHeight,FillSpace properties is removed.Accordion using AutoSizeMode to set the Accordion's Layout
- Accordion Collapsable property is changed to "AllowCollapseAllSections"
- Accordion Animate property is changed to "CollapseAnimation" and it 's type is changed to "CollapseAnimations"
- Accordion ClearStyle property is changed to "IsClearStyle"
- Accordion TriggerEvent is changed to "OpenSectionEvent"
- DatePicker DateFormatString changed to using the DateFormat of .NET.
- DatePicker MonthNames,DayNames,ShortDayNames,MinDayNames,MonthShortNames properties's Type is changed to string[]
- DatePicker AnotherFieldTargetID property renamed as AnotherField and it Type changed to JQuerySelector
- FirstDay property is renamed as FirstDayOfWeek in DatePicker
- Dialog TriggerID changed to JQuery server side selector named "Trigger"
- Dialog ShowEffect,HideEffect 's type changed to JQueryEffects
Bug Fixed
- Fixed the Accordion could not works in UpdatePanel's bug.
- Fixed the Accordion could not get the SelectIndex value if AutoPostBack set to "false" bug.
- Fixed the Accordion could not fill parent bug.
- Fixed set the Collapsable to "true", when collapsable the Accordion nerver could open again bug.
- Fixed the DatePicker could not works in UpdatePanel's bug.
- Fixed the DatePicker could not get the date Value bug.
- Fixed the Dialog could not works in UpdatePanel's bug.
- Fixed the Slider could not works in UpdatePanel's bug.
- Fixed the Slider could not persisted value if AutoPostBack set to "false" bug.
- Fixed the Tabs could not works in UpdatePanel's bug.
- Fixed the Tabs could not get the SelectIndex value if AutoPostBack set to "false" bug.