This demo shows how to add customize buttons to the dialog.
Dialog provides kind buttons to add.
Add(string text, string click) - Add a button and client click event handling script.
AddClose() - Add a close button.
AddClose(string text) - Add a close button with button text.
AddLoad(string text, string url)- Add a button could send "GET" httpmethod to specified URL.
AddLoad(string text, string url, string onSuccess)- Add a button could send "GET" httpmethod to specified URL and handling onSuccess scripts.
AddPost(string text, string url)- Add a button could send "POST" httpmethod to specified URL.
AddPost(string text, string url, string onSuccess)- Add a button could send "POST" httpmethod to specified URL and handling onScuccess scripts.
AddAction(string text, string url, string httpMethod, string onSuccess)- Add a button could send the http request to specified action url.