Combo Box - Data binding

Binding to DomEvents Enum object:
Binding to String array:
Data model binding:

About this example

ComboBox could binding to any collection that implement IEnumerable interface.

Combo box could also binding to any Enum object.

  • Bind(Enum _enum) - Binding to System.Enum object.
  • Bind(string[] values) -Binding to string array.
  • Bind(IEnumerable collection, string dataTextField, string dataValueField) - Binding to IEnumberable collection object and specified the dataTextField and dataValue field.
  • Bind(IEnumerable collection) - Binding to IEnumberable collection T must be implement from INavigation interface.
  • Bind(IEnumerable collection, MapAction mapper) - Binding to collection object and specified the object Mapping delegate.