Button - Button with icons

Button with primary css icon:
Button with secondary css icon:
Button with double image icons:
Buton with primary image icon:

About this example

DJME Button supports css icons and image icons.This demo show how to custom the icons of button in easy way.

You can use the Icons methods to specified the primary icon css class and secondary icon css class.

  • Icons(string primaryIconCssClass) - Specified the button has primary icon on the left only.
  • Icons(string primaryIconCssClass,string secondaryIconCssClass) - Specified the button has primary and secondary icons.

You can use the ImageIcons methods to specified the image icon.

  • ImageIcons(string primaryIconUrl) - Specified the button has primary icon on the left only.
  • ImageIcons(string primaryIconUrl, string secondaryIconUrl) - Specified the button has primary and secondary icons.