In order to install DotNetAge by manual you maybe try the following steps:
Step1. Install common, profile,membership, roles sql scripts
Step2. Run the DnaDB install.sql
2: create table [dbo].[EdmMetadata] (
3: [Id] [int] not null identity,
4: [ModelHash] [nvarchar](max) null,
5: primary key ([Id])
6: );
7: create table [dbo].[dna_myfollows] (
8: [ID] [int] not null identity,
9: [UserName] [nvarchar](255) not null,
10: [FollowerName] [nvarchar](255) not null,
11: primary key ([ID])
12: );
13: create table [dbo].[dna_MyFriends] (
14: [ID] [int] not null identity,
15: [UserName] [nvarchar](255) not null,
16: [FriendName] [nvarchar](255) not null,
17: [IsFriend] [bit] not null,
18: [Impression] [int] not null,
19: [Added] [datetime] not null,
20: [IsBadGuy] [bit] not null,
21: [Group] [nvarchar](255) null,
22: primary key ([ID])
23: );
24: create table [dbo].[dna_Passports] (
25: [ID] [int] not null identity,
26: [Type] [int] null,
27: [UserData] [ntext] null,
28: [UserId] [nvarchar](max) null,
29: [UserName] [nvarchar](255) null,
30: primary key ([ID])
31: );
32: create table [dbo].[dna_Permissions] (
33: [ID] [int] not null identity,
34: [Title] [nvarchar](255) null,
35: [Action] [nvarchar](255) null,
36: [Assembly] [nvarchar](1024) null,
37: [Controller] [nvarchar](255) null,
38: [Description] [ntext] null,
39: [PermissionSetID] [int] not null,
40: primary key ([ID])
41: );
42: create table [dbo].[dna_PermsInRoles] (
43: [PermID] [int] not null,
44: [RoleName] [nvarchar](128) not null,
45: primary key ([PermID], [RoleName])
46: );
47: create table [dbo].[dna_PermissionSets] (
48: [ID] [int] not null identity,
49: [Name] [nvarchar](100) null,
50: [Title] [nvarchar](255) null,
51: [Description] [ntext] null,
52: [ResbaseName] [nvarchar](255) null,
53: [TitleResName] [nvarchar](255) null,
54: primary key ([ID])
55: );
56: create table [dbo].[dna_messages] (
57: [ID] [int] not null identity,
58: [Sender] [nvarchar](1024) null,
59: [Receivers] [ntext] null,
60: [Reads] [ntext] null,
61: [Received] [datetime] not null,
62: [Sent] [datetime] not null,
63: [Title] [nvarchar](1024) null,
64: [Content] [ntext] null,
65: [Encoding] [nvarchar](50) null,
66: [ContentType] [nvarchar](50) null,
67: primary key ([ID])
68: );
69: create table [dbo].[dna_Subscriptions] (
70: [ID] [int] not null identity,
71: [HashKey] [int] not null,
72: [Token] [nvarchar](2048) not null,
73: [UserName] [nvarchar](50) not null,
74: primary key ([ID])
75: );
76: create table [dbo].[dna_WebSettings] (
77: [Id] [int] not null identity,
78: [Name] [nvarchar](1024) not null,
79: [Title] [nvarchar](50) null,
80: [Type] [int] not null,
81: [Theme] [nvarchar](255) null,
82: [TimeZone] [nvarchar](255) null,
83: [AllowExtensions] [ntext] null,
84: [CacheDuration] [int] not null,
85: [Copyright] [ntext] null,
86: [Created] [datetime] not null,
87: [CssText] [ntext] null,
88: [Data] [ntext] null,
89: [DefaultLanguage] [nvarchar](50) null,
90: [DefaultUrl] [nvarchar](1024) null,
91: [Description] [ntext] null,
92: [EnableUserRegistration] [bit] not null,
93: [IsEnabled] [bit] not null,
94: [Layout] [nvarchar](1024) null,
95: [LogoImageUrl] [nvarchar](1024) null,
96: [MasterName] [nvarchar](1024) null,
97: [MaximumFileSize] [int] not null,
98: [MostOnlined] [datetime] not null,
99: [MostOnlineUserCount] [int] not null,
100: [Owner] [nvarchar](256) not null,
101: [SearchKeywords] [ntext] null,
102: [ShortcutIconUrl] [nvarchar](1024) null,
103: primary key ([Id])
104: );
105: create table [dbo].[dna_WebPages] (
106: [ID] [int] not null identity,
107: [WebID] [int] not null,
108: [Title] [nvarchar](255) not null,
109: [ViewData] [ntext] null,
110: [ViewName] [nvarchar](255) null,
111: [AllowAnonymous] [bit] not null,
112: [Created] [datetime] not null,
113: [Description] [ntext] null,
114: [IconUrl] [nvarchar](1024) null,
115: [ImageUrl] [nvarchar](1024) null,
116: [IsShared] [bit] not null,
117: [IsStatic] [bit] not null,
118: [Keywords] [ntext] null,
119: [LastModified] [datetime] not null,
120: [LinkUrl] [nvarchar](1024) null,
121: [Owner] [nvarchar](255) not null,
122: [ParentID] [int] not null,
123: [Path] [nvarchar](1024) not null,
124: [Pos] [int] not null,
125: [ShowInMenu] [bit] not null,
126: [Target] [nvarchar](50) not null,
127: primary key ([ID])
128: );
129: create table [dbo].[dna_WebPageRoles] (
130: [PageID] [int] not null,
131: [RoleName] [nvarchar](128) not null,
132: primary key ([PageID], [RoleName])
133: );
134: create table [dbo].[dna_WidgetDescriptors] (
135: [ID] [int] not null identity,
136: [Action] [nvarchar](255) null,
137: [Area] [nvarchar](1024) null,
138: [ContentType] [nvarchar](50) null,
139: [ContentUrl] [nvarchar](2048) null,
140: [Controller] [nvarchar](255) null,
141: [Defaults] [ntext] null,
142: [Description] [ntext] null,
143: [IconUrl] [nvarchar](1024) null,
144: [ImageUrl] [nvarchar](1024) null,
145: [InstalledPath] [nvarchar](1024) null,
146: [IsClosable] [bit] null,
147: [IsDeletable] [bit] null,
148: [Scopes] [int] not null,
149: [ShowBorder] [bit] not null,
150: [ShowHeader] [bit] null,
151: [Title] [nvarchar](50) null,
152: [TitleLinkUrl] [nvarchar](1024) null,
153: [Version] [nvarchar](50) null,
154: [Modified] [datetime] not null,
155: primary key ([ID])
156: );
157: create table [dbo].[dna_Widgets] (
158: [ID] [uniqueidentifier] not null,
159: [DescriptorID] [int] not null,
160: [PageID] [int] not null,
161: [Action] [nvarchar](255) null,
162: [Area] [nvarchar](1024) null,
163: [BodyCssText] [ntext] null,
164: [ContentUrl] [nvarchar](2048) null,
165: [Controller] [nvarchar](255) null,
166: [CssText] [ntext] null,
167: [Data] [image] null,
168: [HeaderCssText] [ntext] null,
169: [IconUrl] [nvarchar](1024) null,
170: [IsClosable] [bit] not null,
171: [IsDeletable] [bit] not null,
172: [IsExpanded] [bit] not null,
173: [IsStatic] [bit] not null,
174: [Pos] [int] not null,
175: [Scope] [int] not null,
176: [ShowBorder] [bit] not null,
177: [ShowHeader] [bit] not null,
178: [Title] [nvarchar](255) null,
179: [TitleLinkUrl] [nvarchar](1024) null,
180: [ZoneID] [nvarchar](255) null,
181: primary key ([ID])
182: );
183: alter table [dbo].[dna_PermsInRoles] add constraint [PermissionRole_Permission] foreign key ([PermID]) references [dbo].[dna_Permissions]([ID]) on delete cascade;
184: alter table [dbo].[dna_Permissions] add constraint [PermissionSet_Permissions] foreign key ([PermissionSetID]) references [dbo].[dna_PermissionSets]([ID]) on delete cascade;
185: alter table [dbo].[dna_WebPages] add constraint [WebPage_Web] foreign key ([WebID]) references [dbo].[dna_WebSettings]([Id]) on delete cascade;
186: alter table [dbo].[dna_WebPageRoles] add constraint [WebPageRole_WebPage] foreign key ([PageID]) references [dbo].[dna_WebPages]([ID]) on delete cascade;
187: alter table [dbo].[dna_Widgets] add constraint [WidgetDescriptor_Widgets] foreign key ([DescriptorID]) references [dbo].[dna_WidgetDescriptors]([ID]) on delete cascade;
188: alter table [dbo].[dna_Widgets] add constraint [WidgetInstance_WebPage] foreign key ([PageID]) references [dbo].[dna_WebPages]([ID]) on delete cascade;
Step4: change membership/roles/profile providers (SQLServer could not use the System.Web.Provders)